More more than 15 years, as in-house investor relations officer, as well as head of an investor relations consulting firm, I have specialized in creating and delivering effective investor communications. To rise above the crowd, a company needs an effective IR strategy that ensures that shareholder value is recognized. Small market capitalisation companies face many challenges in promoting their investment value proposition or "story" to the investment community. The financial media focuses mainly on large cap companies that are part of indices and above the radar screen of institutional investors. Not only is it difficult for them to get attention from the
financial media, but even harder to obtain the kind of analyst coverage
needed to attract strong and loyal institutional investors. These problems are compounded by the
fact that many lack the in-house resources and expertise needed to implement
their own IR programs. A
well executed IR program can pay off for both the company and its
investors, generating investor interest from a greater spectrum of
investors with different time horizons and criteria. The more investors
identify with the opportunity a company represent, the bigger the
chances that its investment rating and share value would appreciate.
Improved liquidity and a higher price to earnings ratio betters a
company’s access to capital . By helping a company build its shareholder base and retaining onto them for the long term, effective investor relations can also decrease volatility and boost investors' confidence in the company’s overall image, or corporate brand and sustainability. When choosing an IR consultant, consider their: